Included in the newest batch are two novels recently recommended here - William Trevor's Love and Summer and James Lever's Me Cheeta (both Booker long-listed). In Junior Fiction, there's Elizabeth Laird's Lost Riders (read an enthusiastic review on The Book Bag here) and Sinead Moriarty's The Right Fit. In Non-Fiction we have William Fiennes's evocative

That Fiennes is an unusually skilled writer is already evidenced by The Snow Geese, a work in which, time and time again, he conveys not only the incandescence of life in the quotidian flow of events, but also the richness of the idea of home, a richness that is, perhaps, only fully appreciated after long absence.
Read the list of new books here.
Thank you for the information about new library books. This is a good way to influence students to read.
Thanks. We've also posted the III and II form reading lists yesterday and today, and all these books are also in the Library.
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