
Friday, December 05, 2008

Extended Essay: Spinelli, Bailey, Ibbotson

The first Transition Year Extended Essay we're posting this year is a fine long piece by Amelia Shirley, which analyses three novels, Jerry Spinelli's Stargirl, Anne Bailey's Scars and Eva Ibbotson's Journey to the River Sea. Amelia writes :-

The topic, on which I have decided to base my essay, is one that every single person in the world is able to relate to - Growing Up. As with most things, these two words bring a different thought or emotion or memory to each individual and that is why I have chosen it.

No matter how cultural or politically important it is for people to know ab
out wars or elections or other related topics, I feel as though it is important for people to also know about “all the other stuff”, the more personal stuff, such as families, friendships and relationships. I, myself am fascinated by people’s upbringing; where they came from, their happy childhood memories, or perhaps not so happy ones.

I think it is important that people can see how valuable and tender the years that one spends as a child, really are. This is why I have chosen the theme of Growing Up to study for this essay.

Read Amelia's full Extended Essay here.

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