
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Vacancy for next term

The English Department is looking for a teacher of English for next term, from August 30th to December 15th (end of term) inclusive. The successful candidate will teach English to First Form through to Fifth.

The Department is a close-knit supportive one, with three experienced teachers available constantly to support the person appointed. Classes are small (for example, there are about 16 pupils in the Fifth Form set). 

The College operates a six-day timetable, with no classes on Wednesday or Saturday afternoons (or, for the successful candidate, Friday afternoons).

Applicants must be fully qualified teachers and will ideally have some experience.  They must also be native English speakers and have appropriate Garda vetting.

Applications, including a Curriculum Vitae and the names and addresses of two referees,
should be forwarded as soon as possible/or by July 23rd at the latest to:

The Warden, St. Columba’s College, Whitechurch, Dublin 16


Any query in advance of application can be sent without prejudice to