
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Junior Poetry Prize, 2018

The theme for  the Junior Poetry Prize this year is SOUND

(music… the sound of silence… booming … quiet… birdsong… noise… peace… voices… overhearing… ‘sounds like’... onomatopoeia… shhh...)

Any interpretation of the above theme is welcome.

Poems should be fourteen lines or more. Entrants can enter as many poems as they wish. 

Please email your poem(s) to Ms Smith, or hand them to your English teacher by Wednesday 21st March 2017.

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Book Week 2018

We've just started out first-ever Book Week, to highlight the importance of reading and of course simply to emphasise the sheer enjoyment of reading.  Mr Jameson is assisted by an organising committee of Ms Smith, Ms Kent-Sutton, Shannon Dent and Rory Flanagan. You can see the Flickr album of photos here.

On Wednesday Mr Jameson introduced the idea in Chapel, and Shannon Dent (The Secret Garden) and Tiernan Mullane (Andre Agassis's Open) spoke passionately about their favourite books. Yesterday we had our Drop Everything and Read Day. All pupils and staff carried a reading book around for the day, and then at mid-day had uninterrupted reading time. This was an excellent idea - lots of interesting conversations were prompted. 

And there's also-
  • Book speed-dating for the junior Forms.
  • A Library treasure hunt.
  • A 'guess the book in the bottle' competition in the Library.
  • Posters all around the school of staff favourite books.
  • A lovely Book Tree in the Junior Reading Room.